A Quick Word From Yours Truly

Hi, welcome to PJ's blog.

If you've checked out the "About Me" bit you'll see I'm a keen amateur photographer who enjoys all things digital. I mostly like photographing plants and landscapes as they are easy targets ;-) I used to work in Software which sounds more exciting than it is but am now officially a Snr. Project Planner having changed jobs after almost 25yrs in Software. I sometimes wish I could work in photography but that would probably become boring if I did it day in and day out. I used to sponsor a wolf called Luna until she sadly passed away, and love all things "wolfy". Anyhow enjoy the blog and hopefully I'll manage to keep it up to date with what I've been doing and my favourite things!


Friday 9 April 2010

New Tatt Update

Had this tattoo done a week yesterday (i.e. 1st April 2010) and it's settling down rather nicely now, although it itches like hell at times ;-)

The redness has all gone, this photo was taken just after it was done, and is in the peeling stage now hence the itchiness. It took 4hrs to do and will be added to later in the year. I have to be honest and say that 4hrs is too long for me to sit, I realise that now as I've never sat for quite that long before. I had uncontrollable shakes afterwards and even felt faint when I got home, so will have to do the rest in stages if its likely to take that long again!

The worst part was probably the lines, not that there are many of them, and any tattooing along the spine itself - tres uncomfortable to put it mildly.

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