So this morning, my first day of the Chrimbo break, saw me wake up to thick fog. Having taken a few quick phone snaps from the windows I grabbed the 77D and took this. Focused on the fields outside whilst the LED light net and bonsai tree blurred in the foreground.
Really like this effect, it doesn't always appeal to me, think it depends on the subject matter. But it felt good to pick up the big camera for a change. I do miss it given most outings I'm using the M50 mirrorless or even the TZ90 like on Sunday for Leeds Castle because the weather wasn't supposed to be all that.
I have treated myself to a Thinktank cover for the camera and whilst it does fit the M50, it kind of swamps it. In fact it's plenty big enough, with room to spare, for the 77D. It's supposed to be useful for both handheld shooting and tripod, many are usually designed to be fitted over the camera when it's mounted on a tripod and so are hard to use if you are simply walking around. But thought it would be a step-up from the large sandwich bags which I usually use to keep the camera dry. Don't get me wrong, the sandwich bags are a perfect, cheap solution, if you can wedge them in place with the lens hood, in fact in 2019 when I went on a coach trip to Kew Gardens for their Christmas lights it rained most of the evening and my M5 stayed perfectly dry inside it's plastic bag. Had trouble actually seeing through the viewfinder but trusted the autofocus and tried not to listen to the rain drops hitting the plastic whilst videoing 🤣
Maybe what I need is a waterproof compact and having got a free booklet with the latest Photography News I think, I've certainly been eyeing one little model up. But unsure if I can justify the cost? Maybe keep it in my back pocket for a birthday pressie, if I don't keep buying more handbags 😉