Finished this Granny Square finally, after a collection of other more pressing crochet projects. This little coverlet was to take into work for over my lap as the air-con had been broken for some time and so the office days were bordering on the fridge end of the thermometer 🥶 As luck would have it, by the time this was ready to take into the office the air-con had been fixed and so it's sat in my locker ever since!
Having got Dad to buy me a cordless combi drill/screwdriver for my birthday to use instead of the old electric drill, this was my first project. Drill more holes in the sides of this single part of the wardrobe so that the shelf Dad made could be lowered, thereby attaining more storage space above the bagged up Christmas Tree. I've restacked the shelf since snapping this so there's even better use of the space and whilst I don't need any more Christmas decorations at least I have room for the ones I may inevitably buy 🤣
So a couple of snaps here of the Spring Bulbs starting to sprout out in the garden and the yard pots. Gotta love a snowdrop, they are the quintessential sign that Spring is around the corner. The others are a variety of crocus, daffs from last year, miniature daffs and grape hyacinths and tulips and there is more to come from the front garden. Hoping to see a riot of colour when they start to bloom which is still a month or two away.
Prepped this wooden sign ready for Easter using some coloured pencils I bought rather than the crap tiny felt pens included in the pack from The Works. Quite pleased with how it's come out, it can hang on the porch door when I decorate for Easter 🐰

And this weekend's DIY was to put up my 40th service certificate having finally received it from work. Suspect it's a generic fill in one seeing as how despite the firm logo it just mentions "your company" rather than naming the firm and isn't quite as nice as the 25th service one, although it did come framed. Once I'd managed to hang this I decided to finally tidy up the utensil rack in the kitchen which I put up years ago with just a couple of nails which ended up bent out of shape as it's on an outer wall which is much harder to nail into than the internal walls - which are hard enough. Managed to get the old nails out and drill into the holes left behind, a couple of raw plugs and screws et voila - now it's nice and sturdy. No threatening to fall off the wall every time I reach for something! Mind you, looking at the state of the nails I pulled out I'm surprised it's stayed up on the wall this long 😂
So this is January's "what I've been up to", obviously it's included my birthday, 59yrs young this year and another step closer to retirement. As my birthday always falls on a busy working week I was not only in work but in the office too, along with some cakes and sweets. Out to dinner in the evening with Dad, Julia and James at The Honourable Pilot and then back to Julia and James's for a cuppa and some cake. And to see their latest DIY project - creating more of an obvious lounge space.
Let's see what February brings, hopefully some better weather and lighter evenings, the Dockyard reopens at Half Term so a visit is long overdue. Maybe a visit from my bro' and family for Dad's birthday.