Another Sunday spent doing the garden makeover, we have finally got the soil raked, sifted and moved around ready for the turf to go down. We moved the cherry tree to a better, more balanced part of the garden leaving more space around it and the roses it was originally bunched up with.
Steps have been concreted in position, the gaps filled with stones from the soil and most of the wall block holes have also been filled with stones sifted from the soil. Meaning that filling them with cement is almost certainly no longer necessary unless James has any left over from any other jobs before the tops go on. Slabs needed for the steps but already they provide a much easier route down to the bottom area of the garden than we'd been used to using.
The bottom area will be a project for another year, turning it into an outdoor dining area. In the interim the dross will be moved into a skip which will accompany the bathroom makeover and all the weeds sprayed with some strong weedkiller to send them packing over the winter months at least.
All in all we've worked hard to get it to the position it's in now but wow, when you look at what we've achieved I think we can all pat ourselves collectively on the back and say it's a job well done!