Friday and Saturday saw some gardening, generally tidying up so the wheelie bin could go out this morning as I'm not in the office. Popped over to Notcutts with Dad looking for clay pebbles given I'd been let down by Amazon but as with most of the garden centres, they don't sell them which is kind of weird. They are a pot topper essentially and help to keep the moisture in.
My neighbour had done a floral exhibit at Boxley Church for their flower festival this weekend celebrating the Queens Jubilee. She got to decorate the pulpit in the theme of Armed Forces. The image above representing her take on said theme. Awesome as always, she borrowed hats and a uniform from a friend of a friend and has created a fitting tribute to the Veterans. All in all the floral displays were really good and we whiled away most of the morning there taking photos. The HDR on the camera tackled some of the more complex areas rather well, every now and then it will surprise me.
Left there to head down to Dockside to see if The Range had any of the Safina Bistro sets available, I'd come across it earlier in the summer but as i wanted to see if spray painting my existing metal chairs would suffice (they were peeling and going rusty) I just took a photo of it to know what it was for later. Having checked on Amazon (where else) for similar sets I couldn't find anything and so having mentioned I was going to try and get it delivered Dad said let's pop down and take a look. Managed to get the last one on the shelf, all boxed up, brought it home and checked it out and it's now safely tucked up in the garage for next year.
Finally, having bought a few 2nd hand books at the Church for a friend's son I headed up to Julia and James's to drop them off and came back with a little friend for the garden...
This little character was a pressie from Julia and James for the garden, a blue tit, he's been popped into the trough underneath the dining room window as that was deep enough for the metal spike - the butler sink being too shallow to comfortably provide enough support.
Monday has seen me stay at Chez Ware to catch up on some chores before it's back to the grind tomorrow. No peace for the wicked as they say 😉