So this off-Friday saw me mooch up to the Crematorium for Mum's Anniversary, well that will be Tuesday 30th but as that's a working day and the Crem shuts at 4pm this time of year, even with a couple of hours off it would be a struggle to get there plus with the threat of snow this weekend I don't know what next week's weather will hold.
As it was it was blustery and there was a sharp shower on the way back, but it was a good visit, as I may have said before I tend to stand by her tree and natter away like you would on the phone. Tell her what's been going on and what life is currently like for us all.
This Tuesday coming marks 34 years - I've no idea where the time goes. Still miss her and wish she were still here. Wonder what she would make of the current pandemic and it's seemingly never-ending doom and gloom. What she would make of the run of vaccines and now follow-up boosters that will no doubt gradually get fed out to all the age groups.
Sometimes I wonder if there will ever be an end to it, a return to life pre-Covid-19 or whether this is it from now on? Always worrying about the next variant, the next vaccine/booster?
Anyways the walk there and back boosted my steps count for today, 11000+ steps, although my feet ache now ;-) She would probably laugh if I said to her I'm not getting any younger! Thinking about those 34yrs makes me realise that I have lived longer without her than I did with her 😭 How utterly sad is that? She went too soon, too young, missed out on so many things that she should have had the chance to be here for. Her and my Dad put off too many things until their retirement and then she never made it there. The time for living is now, you never know whether or not tomorrow will belong to you. That's even more poignant at the moment with Covid-19 snapping at our collective heels. Hopefully, if nothing else, she's keeping a watch over us, keeping us all safe 💕