So, have spent the day playing with PowerBI on my camera data... Bit of a two-pronged reason. Firstly I wanted a better way than Excel to dice and slice my camera info because I like to know these statistical types of info. And secondly I have a PDR objective to pen some notes for the team to be able to use it 😊
Got to say it is MUCH easier when using your own data, something you have generated and therefore totally understand what is in it. Plus you gotta have a reasonable idea of what it is you actually want to see in the visuals. Like I say easier when it's your own information.
So the image above is a first and last year look, my data currently only runs from 2017 through to 2021, and no I'm not going back any further! In 2017 I can clearly see that most of my camera usage was my trusty DSLRs, whereas things have changed and now it's my mirrorless picking up the baton. And 2021 is still a work in progress.
In the interim years it's a slow migration from the DSLRs to my compacts in the form of the TZ70 and later the TZ90. In 2020 my mobile picked up 26% of my usage, probably all those local walks...
And my Deep B&W compact accounts for 70% of the Infrared images I take.
All this myriad of data has come from Lightroom I may add, thank goodness it makes you import images thus providing a comprehensive database even if extracting that info is a somewhat mandraulic affair.
See - metrics that are useful to me and much easier to find that kind of granularity out using PowerBI - it's like Excel on steroids 🤣