A Quick Word From Yours Truly

Hi, welcome to PJ's blog.

If you've checked out the "About Me" bit you'll see I'm a keen amateur photographer who enjoys all things digital. I mostly like photographing plants and landscapes as they are easy targets ;-) I used to work in Software which sounds more exciting than it is but am now officially a Snr. Project Planner having changed jobs after almost 25yrs in Software. I sometimes wish I could work in photography but that would probably become boring if I did it day in and day out. I used to sponsor a wolf called Luna until she sadly passed away, and love all things "wolfy". Anyhow enjoy the blog and hopefully I'll manage to keep it up to date with what I've been doing and my favourite things!


Monday, 30 November 2020

Mum's Anniversary

So this year marks 33yrs that Mum has been gone, where does the time go? Popped up to the crematorium on the Friday as the actual anniversary (30th Nov) was a working day, and had a chat with Mum. No flowers this year as getting to the shops is an experience I'd rather avoid because of this ridiculous Covid-19 shenanigans. So stood by her tree as usual and chatted away into my journal app so I can always go back and reminisce again afterwards. Have had quite a few visits with her this year what with Covid-19 keeping us all close to quarters, so in a way it's been quite nice to see the crematorium grounds in the better parts of the year with all the myriad of roses and flowers out in full bloom.

Lit the usual candle at 6pm to remember her, not that I need a candle to remember of course but it's kind of a tradition now. The two dried rose buds are from a previous bunch of red roses and they have naturally dried up on the shelf by her photo. 

As always she is gone but never forgotten, taken too soon due to cancer and missed out on sooo many family moments that it's hard to count them. I know she's keeping an eye on us all down here and probably keeping a watch on the other family members who are with her now having passed on too.

Love you Mum, now and for always xxXxx


Sunday, 22 November 2020

Marilyn Twirl


This is another twirl example but using the original image superimposed over the top and finished with a creative border. Quite hard to blend the original with the twirl in this case, I have seen it done before but not quite sure if I've got the technique quite right? Still it makes a change to have a play with Photoshop for a change, most of the time it's Lightroom editing these days which is powerful in it's own right but not quite in the same vein as pixel editing in Photoshop.

Quite happy with how this has turned out anyway. Got to keep the creativeness going given we're all supposed to still be in some sort of Lockdown - not that you would know it...

Saturday, 14 November 2020

Tedster Getting into The Christmas Spirit!

Did a little Christmas photo shoot with Tedster, he's definitely getting into the spirit, which after the year he's had, not being able to spend much time in his favourite place, is the only way to bring some cheer into life! 

Self - Tattoos Family Photo Challenge

So last weeks family photo challenge was self/tattoos. Relatively easy for moi! This is a selfie with a difference, part of my 50th b'day tatt which is in part an anime of moi, plus my Elvis profile on my right hand. Converted to black and white and toned in Lightroom. Given the larger tatt is located quite high up on my thigh, shooting one handed, in the wrong hand, wasn't easy. But I am, if nothing else, a slave to my photography, and got there in the end! 

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Firework Memories...


Thought I would post a memory from Leeds Castle Fireworks from 2018, a) because Covid-19 has put paid to any firework celebrations this year, including the local Scouts Fireworks do and b) because we got rained out last year for Leeds Castle and it was cancelled at the last minute due to the crap weather. I love fireworks, especially these big displays and Leeds Castle is definitely one of the best. Everything choreographed to music it is very well done although now in their efforts to protect the Castle itself it's turned in to a two part show with some being let off by the Castle as you can see here and the others much farther over to the left hand side. This particular year Julia and I set up our photo camp just by the professional photography "paddock" and fortunately for us being so close by they moved the security people away from our field of view. With three cameras set up on tripods, we covered all the bases, the downside to this is having to arrive early and pretty much sit on site for around 3hr in the cold. But getting shots like this makes it worthwhile. Going to miss the fireworks this year, even the Scouts, whilst obviously a much smaller affair, there is a sense of community and they put on a good show with hot food and drinks on sale to munch on and sup as you watch the display and warm yourself by the mahousive bonfire. And a half hour in the cold night air is plenty for me ;-) 

Porch - Halloween Decorating!

So these were a few of the porch decorations from yesterday. Don't normally decorate for Halloween as I disagree with the whole trick or treat thing. You bring your kids up to not take things from strangers and then let them go knocking on people's doors accepting sweets and all sorts from people they don't know. It's an Americanism that is hard to justify given the whole Stranger Danger thing.

Anyhoo as Covid-19 has put a distinct dampener on all sorts of "fun" activities I thought it might be the one and only time I'd get to decorate without people subsequently knocking on my door after dark ;-)

And this was night time, various little LED battery lights hidden away inside the pumpkins and a set of pumpkin lights. Was quite pleased with the effect.