A Quick Word From Yours Truly

Hi, welcome to PJ's blog.

If you've checked out the "About Me" bit you'll see I'm a keen amateur photographer who enjoys all things digital. I mostly like photographing plants and landscapes as they are easy targets ;-) I used to work in Software which sounds more exciting than it is but am now officially a Snr. Project Planner having changed jobs after almost 25yrs in Software. I sometimes wish I could work in photography but that would probably become boring if I did it day in and day out. I used to sponsor a wolf called Luna until she sadly passed away, and love all things "wolfy". Anyhow enjoy the blog and hopefully I'll manage to keep it up to date with what I've been doing and my favourite things!


Monday, 4 October 2010

Julia's 19th Birthday

Yesterday was Julia's 19th birthday! Can't believe where the years have gone, seems like only yesterday she was a tiny baby or a little girl and now she's all grown up and at Uni!

We had a good I think anyway, she had some presents (always a good idea) and money from friends and family, then we had a nice Sunday lunch at a local pub with her Nan, Grandad and James.

At this rate she'll be 21 before I know it - better start planning the party soon :-)

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Julia off to Uni

Here's my gawgus daughter Julia with two of new best mates from Writtle College, Kirsty on the far left, and Alex in the middle.

Julia drove up to Writtle College last weekend to start her BA(Hons) Interior Design course and has happily settled in to student life.

Fresher's week has been one long round of parties with a few lessons thrown in for good measure, now the real work begins...

Still I know Julia will do her best as she always does and I'm so very proud that she has gained her place at Writtle to do the thing she loves most.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Eye Test

Went for an eye test yesterday at Vision Express for the first time in almost 6yrs! Cant believe I've left it this long between tests, a side effect of the fact that my company no longer provides in-house eye tests but vouchers instead and lack of funds, knowing that I'd probably need an update. Anyhow booked myself into Vision Express as I've been impressed with their service when Julia had her eyes tested, and went for the whole nine yards, including a digital photo of the inside of my eyes so they can monitor any changes. The upshot is that my eyesight has deteriorated since my last check, no surprise there, and I'm going to try out my first pair of varifocal glasses having reached that "certain" age whereby my arms are no longer long enough to hold my reading material at a sufficient distance so I can read it :-) However I also have a squint, something I've suffered with since the dawn of time and so have to get top quality varifocal lenses in order to have some degree of success in getting my eyes to work together. I'm too embarrassed to admit online what these glasses are gonna be costing me but they have a 60-day money back guarantee so if all else fails I'll have to have two pairs :-( Hopefully they'll be ready sooner rather than later, the lens are being tailor made to fit my new frames and how said frames fit my face so fingers crossed I manage to get used to them. It will be such a boon if I can as I have to keep taking my glasses off for reading and computer work which is a pain and I'd rather not have to carry two pairs around all the time as you always seem to be wearing the wrong pair at the wrong time!

Friday, 23 July 2010

Shaun Ellis

This chap standing here with yours truly is none other than Shaun Ellis, the wolf man who at one point lived with a pack of wolves at Combe Martin Wildlife and Dinosaur Park in North Devon.

We visited the park this summer and I was made up to catch him there being a keen wolf fan myself.

Julia took the photo for me and plucked up courage to ask for his autograph too so I am one happy bunny :-)

Sunday, 16 May 2010

A Good Quotation...

Found this quotation in a recent copy of My Weekly and thought it quite apt given the current trend to be "perfect", its by E.E. Cummings :-

"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight; never stop fighting."

My daughter, like most young women her age, has a vivid interest in body image. In fact it has formed the basis of a couple of college projects for her. The various women's publications bombard us constantly with images of the "perfect" woman, all achieved with copious amounts of airbrushing until the model is beyond human and becomes almost plastic. And that's not including the body part models used in adverts to provide, say hands or whatever, along with someone else's face. You just cant believe what you see in the mags and to persuade young, impressionable women that this is somehow achievable and desirable is pretty irresponsible if you ask me. Its high time we saw real women in the magazines modelling real size clothes so that our young girls have a chance to grow up without being fixated about their size and shape, so that they realise we are all unique and should be proud of that simple human trait.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Remember Me - David Harkins

Do not shed tears when I have gone but smile instead because I have lived.
Do not shut your eyes and pray to God that I'll come back but open your eyes and see all that I have left behind.
I know your heart will be empty because you cannot see me but still I want you to be full of the love we shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live only for yesterday or you can be happy for tomorrow because of what happened between us yesterday.
You can remember me and grieve that I have gone or you can cherish my memory and let it live on.
You can cry and lose yourself, become distraught and turn your back on the world or you can do what I want - smile, wipe away the tears, learn to love again and go on.

Found this reading on the web and wanted to dedicate it to both Nan Florence and Nan Alice.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Ear Rim Update

The ear rim is closing up pretty nicely now, despite it only being about a week since I removed the jewellery. The lump on the back is going down I think and the front looks closed. I've been rubbing it occasionally with some base aromotherapy oil which seems to be helping, other than that it seems fine. Its certainly easier for me now when brushing/combing my hair not to have to worry about catching it, likewise when washing my hair. All in all I think it was the right decision and I guess there's no going back now anyway!

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Nan Florence (1913-2010)

This image here is a montage of photos of Nan Florence who sadly passed away on Sunday 11th April 2010 aged 97yrs. Like my other Nan, she was an amazing person and someone who was very important in our lives, especially for my daughter Julia, for whom she was almost a surrogate mother whilst I had to continue working when Julia's Dad walked out. In the latter years she began to suffer from dementia which was very distressing to see, but prior to that she was a very strong person, rarely ill which was good because my Grandad Henry was always in and out of hospitals when my brother and I were younger. We used to stay with my Nan when Grandad was in hospital as she hated to be on her own, something which she had to learn to deal with when he died in 1985.

She will be sorely missed by all of us, God Bless Nan x

Monday, 12 April 2010

Ear Rim Piercing RIP

Well I've finally done it, the ear rim piercing is now officially retired! It was a bit of a spur of the moment thing last night, it was feeling a bit sore and I'm fed up with knocking it when I have to keep brushing my hair behind my ears as its growing, so thought now might be as good a time as any to do the deed. I took the bar out and gave it a last soak in some salt water, then rubbed it with some E45 followed by some base aromotherapy oil which may help it to heal over without scarring too much. To be honest the front doesn't look too bad, slight darkness of the skin but that will probably lighten, the back is a tad lumpy still but maybe that will flatten off as it heals over. It seems a tad weird without it when I look in the mirror but apart from that I'm OK about it. Think as my hair continues to grow it will make life so much easier, I wont have to worry about knocking it, and at last I might be able to sleep that side for a change, give my left ear a rest, as it sometimes gets sore being rubbed against the pillow all the time.

Friday, 9 April 2010

New Tatt Update

Had this tattoo done a week yesterday (i.e. 1st April 2010) and it's settling down rather nicely now, although it itches like hell at times ;-)

The redness has all gone, this photo was taken just after it was done, and is in the peeling stage now hence the itchiness. It took 4hrs to do and will be added to later in the year. I have to be honest and say that 4hrs is too long for me to sit, I realise that now as I've never sat for quite that long before. I had uncontrollable shakes afterwards and even felt faint when I got home, so will have to do the rest in stages if its likely to take that long again!

The worst part was probably the lines, not that there are many of them, and any tattooing along the spine itself - tres uncomfortable to put it mildly.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Router Nightmare

Hey, after having our old Netgear router die on us after several years of faithful service, I'm now on my third wireless modem/router trying to find one that works. Nothing in my setup has changed since the old router died and yet the last two modem/routers I've purchased have consistently lost the ADSL connection all throughout the evening time which is usually when we use it the most. I've tried all sorts of things to try and get to the bottom of it, even connecting my Dad's wired router which worked like a dream but which then means Julia cant use her laptop wherever she pleases around the house. So in desperation I ordered a Netgear DG834G wireless router via PC Worlds collect@store and boxed the other one back up in the hope I could persuade them to exchange one for the other. Fortunately they took pity on me and I came away with yet another router to try and £20 refunded on the flexible friend. I'm pleased to say that at present this router seems to be performing very much like the old one, that's not to say that it's as stable as my Dad's wired one but then I guess it wont be what with wireless interference but it has been up for just over a day so far with no obvious problems. I've checked using Julia's laptop which other wireless networks are within our vicinity and made sure ours is on a different channel to help limit any cross-signalling.

Anyway I'm hoping this will be third time lucky for us, I cant believe how lost we felt without proper access to the net when and where we wanted to use it. Says alot about our society these days doesn't it? Just about everything we do revolves around it in one form or another, from ordering our groceries to banking to staying in touch with friends and family - where would we be without it!

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Art In Action Exhibition 24th March 2010

The Art In Action Exhibition held at The Brook Theatre yesterday evening went off really well. There was a steady stream of people coming in from 4:30pm through to about 8pm when it started to quieten down a bit. The Mid-Kent College students put on a sterling display of art encompassing their views and feelings about Chatham, some positive - Barney's Fact Finding Guide to Chatham, some negative - No Entry, Chatham.
The remaining schools who were also there showed the Medway Towns off in a variety of different ways from photo collages to comic book antics, Russian Circus to a novel "Layers of Medway" photo box. All in all it was a very successful evening and The Brook Theatre provided a wonderful, historical backdrop for their efforts. More details of the exhibits, including photos, can be found on my website (

Princess Anne visits Mid-Kent College

Princess Anne was due to officially open the new Mid-Kent College, Gillingham campus this morning. Having said that she's not likely to meet any of the actual students as they were asked to stay clear of the corridors during her visit :-( Expect she'll have found it kinda weird opening a college with no apparent students in it!!! Still I guess it helps promote this new, state of the art campus which has been borne out of the closure of the old City Way and Horsted sites.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


We first saw this lady at the Invicta Camera Club a couple of weeks ago. Her work is very different, almost an ethereal look to her images. She gave us a wonderful talk that evening and showed us some stunning examples of her work. Check out her website (link is on my website under Links). I've had a brief browse whilst having some lunch in paradise so not had the chance to see much of it as our web access is pretty slow at the best of times, but I really like what I've seen so far and will definitely go back and see the rest. Probably have to save that till the weekend as my internet access at home dies every evening as well :-(

2nd Art in Action Exhibition

Today is the 2nd Art In Action exhibition, this time being held at The Brook Theatre in Chatham, Kent. It showcases exhibits from various local schools as
well as work from my daughter Julia and her fellow students at Mid-Kent College. The theme for Julia's work and her classmates this year is "My Town" so she has been busy researching into Chatham's history. Her final outcome will be on show in the dance studio from 4:30pm through to 9:00pm and we
would welcome seeing you there.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Ear Rim Update

After almost 4 years, I am toying with the idea of retiring my upper ear piercing… Now that I am growing my hair and have to keep tucking it behind my ears whilst it grows I’m finding it getting increasingly in the way. Plus since its been done I’ve not been able to sleep on that side no matter what type of jewellery I wear in it. The threadless labrets from Neometal have been the most comfortable but it really needs a slightly shorter bar and the next size down is too short which results in it getting irritated. Having done a quick post on the Body Jewellery Shop forum they’ve reliably informed me that it wont need any special looking after if I remove the jewellery, just give it one last salt soak and then leave it alone. At the moment I’m wearing a smaller gauge in it to help the hole close down a tad but not sure how long that will take, I once wore a normal earring in it for about 2 weeks and then still went back to a 1.2mm gauge bar afterwards so it could take some time to close completely and hopefully it wont leave much of a mark there, probably a small lump behind my ear but nothing much visible from the front. When my hair was still shaved I hardly noticed the earring there, I never needed to brush my hair or anything but the last thing I want to do is brush my hair and catch it up :-( It will be a bittersweet moment to see it go but to be honest it has never been as successful as I had imagined it would be. It’s pierced too far round to wear a normal earring, they are just not long enough, and even then the end of the earring would stick out too far and catch up on everything. Every so often it plays up and gets sore for no real reason at all and buying body jewellery, especially the threadless variety, is very expensive and has to be shipped from the States for the most part. So in a lot of respects life will be easier without it, unlike my nose piercing which is just there and doesn’t really get in the way, my ear piercing has had more than its fair share of knocks and bumps and so I think the time has come for me to say goodbye to it…

Sheena and her Magic Hair

When I was a young child, way back in the 70’s, I had a doll called Sheena who had “magic hair”! By that I mean you could make her hair grow long just by gently pulling on her ponytail and slowly turning a wheel located on her back. Said long hair could then also be shortened by the reverse process, i.e. slowly turning the wheel in the opposite direction and feeding the ponytail back inside her head. Now that I’ve made the monumental decision to grow my hair long again how I wish that I could do a similar thing :-) The average monthly hair growth is supposed to be approximately 1/2 inch which means it feels like its going to take simply ages to reach any sort of REAL length. Instead of seeing it as still short I suppose I should realise that compared to where I started it has grown a lot. In fact most people have remarked favourably on my “new look” which seems to imply to me that not many people “approved” of my shorn locks. I have to confess that feeling it blow in the wind is a strange experience and having to spend more than 5 minutes washing it is also an indication of its progress to date and yet my inherent lack of patience is nipping at my heels reminding me of just HOW LONG it seems to be taking before it looks obvious that my hair has grown! Even in its current state its still too short to be styled and equally I hate the idea of having any of it cut even if it is to make it tidy as it feels like a giant step backwards. My daughter is like “Just let it GROW”!

I think this time around is probably the first time I’ve grown it long just for me. Last time it was to please my now Ex as he, like most men, preferred women with their hair longer than the average short crop. In fact my decision to go short came after my divorce as a kind of two fingered salute to him even though by then he probably didn’t care what I did to it. The shaved look came several years later following an evening watching people get ready for Stars in their Eyes where a young woman played Sinead O’Connor. I sat watching them shave off her hair in awe and thought I wonder what that would look like on me? Next time the hairdresser came calling I got her to shave it under the guise that “It will soon grow…” and many years later here I am deciding to let it grow back even though I always said I couldn’t ever imagine growing my hair long again. I’m really hoping that I’ll like the longer style and if so will get some red highlights put in to give it some zing! My hair by default is dead straight, fine with very little body to it and needs to see a perming bottle before it will even condescend to veer off the straight and narrow into luscious curls. Although long hair is a flexible style and I love many of the “posh do-ups” such as French plaits and pleats, I have never been able to get that look with my own hair, I couldn’t even manage French braids on my daughter when she was younger so I do worry a tad that it will end up in the same boring clipped back at each side style that it used to be in. I shall have to make a concerted effort to stop that and maybe keep the length just long enough for a decent ponytail but not too long that it becomes unruly every time I step foot outside the front door. I’m also going for a side parting and no fringe this time, something I’ve never had before with long hair so hopefully it will make me look less childish than maybe its looked in the past. Failing that I’ll have to get one of my daughter’s friends who is training to be a hairdresser to give me some tips! All in all I relish the challenge of letting it grow and watching it change over each month, hopefully into something I can live with and adapt to suit me, for me.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Hair in March 2010

The hair's grown a wee bit since I started this journey but its gonna be a long trip from a No: 3 shave to below my shoulders. It's already curling up at the base of my neck and each wash sees it sticking up less and less. I'm trying to train in a side parting which seems to be working except I'm not always sure that its in the same place each time! It's hard to keep tucking the side hair behind my ears and it's still too short to be held back by clips and too short everywhere to wear one of the fabric alice bands I've already bought. But cant wait to have it at least long enough to wear something like that and really hoping that once its reached its final destination I'll like it enough to keep it that way. If I do then a set of red highlights or something similar will be on the agenda just to really make a statement ;-)

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

New Year, New Hair

Have had a bit of a radical re-think about the old barnet after I had a minor accident with the clippers a couple of months ago. Having run the clipper over the front top of my head once and even twice, I marvelled at the amount of hair laying in the bath and then with abject horror realised too late that I had forgotten to put the comb on and had more or less shaved my hair right down to the quick :-( What could I do but finish the job and hope that the mickey taking at work didn't get too out of hand until it grew back again. Fortunately several of my male colleagues had on occasion made a similar mistake and so were fairly understanding and the rest either didn't notice or just chose not to comment. Within a week it was back to its normal, albeit short length but that one forgetful moment made me wonder if after 5+ years of shaving my hair it was time to go for something longer. Now that I have made that decision I've been trawling the net looking for some ideas and have gone from the thought of having normal short hair again to something far more challenging, along the lines of the image above.

My hair has, over the years, gone from being long enough to sit on as a child, to being approx. 3mm long and just about every length in between. Being dead straight and quite thin it doesn't hold a curl unless its blasted in by chemical means but its a New Year and hopefully a new hairdo! I appreciate that it's gonna take quite some time to achieve the above on the premise that hair normally only grows about 1/2" a month but I am very determined not to bottle it and reach for the scissors. In fact I've instructed my daughter to confiscate any pair she finds in my hands.

So wish me luck on this journey and here's hoping I like what I see in the mirror when I get there...

Friday, 8 January 2010

Winter 2010

This is a quick montage of a few of the photos taken over the last two days to record the snow thats fallen since the beginning of this week (4th Jan onwards).

Talk about typical weather, getting all snowed in just when its time to return to work. Mind we had snow just as I was packing up for Xmas and I was one of the few in our office area to drag myself in, the downside of living so close to the site is theres no excuse not to get in!

I've already fallen over once despite my best efforts to stay on two feet and making sure I walk with my trekking pole complete with metal spike. It was so sudden! One minute I was upright, the next sitting on my rear end in the snow, didn't even feel myself going until it was too late. Just goes to show how easy it is and how careful one has to be in this weather. Fortunately nothing was damaged but my pride, so today I was extra careful walking into work, taking it nice and slowly, small steps which is supposed to keep your centre of gravity where it should be.

I shall be glad to see the back of this weather - roll on summer thats all I can say. Mind its early in the year yet and usually February brings us more of the dreaded white stuff. The weight of it is destroying my plants, I've already had to chuck away several large pieces of a rather nice hebe where its been ripped off the main stem. At this rate I'll be lucky to still have any of the plant left come the spring!!!
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