A Quick Word From Yours Truly

Hi, welcome to PJ's blog.

If you've checked out the "About Me" bit you'll see I'm a keen amateur photographer who enjoys all things digital. I mostly like photographing plants and landscapes as they are easy targets ;-) I used to work in Software which sounds more exciting than it is but am now officially a Snr. Project Planner having changed jobs after almost 25yrs in Software. I sometimes wish I could work in photography but that would probably become boring if I did it day in and day out. I used to sponsor a wolf called Luna until she sadly passed away, and love all things "wolfy". Anyhow enjoy the blog and hopefully I'll manage to keep it up to date with what I've been doing and my favourite things!


Sunday, 2 August 2009

Ibiza 2009

This is the two of us on holiday this year in Ibiza. We stayed in the resort of Es Cana and thoroughly enjoyed the break although it was a tad too humid at times.

It was our first proper foray abroad although Julia went to Italy some years ago with her Nan & Grandad by coach so it was the first time flying for her.

We would definitely go back but when it was a little cooler, July & August are the hottest months there and although we went in search of some sunshine, it really was OTT for most of the daytime.

Art in Action

This one of two installations Julia produced for her college's Art in Action exhibition held at Chatham's Historic Dockyard at the beginning of July.

This piece is called "A Message Within" and is based on the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen.

Her other piece was entitled "The Last Flight" and consisted of planes made from drinks bottles and suspended from hoops. The planes were interspersed with poppies and crosses.

Julia put in so much effort into each piece and I am very proud of her work.