A Quick Word From Yours Truly
Hi, welcome to PJ's blog.
If you've checked out the "About Me" bit you'll see I'm a keen amateur photographer who enjoys all things digital. I mostly like photographing plants and landscapes as they are easy targets ;-) I used to work in Software which sounds more exciting than it is but am now officially a Snr. Project Planner having changed jobs after almost 25yrs in Software. I sometimes wish I could work in photography but that would probably become boring if I did it day in and day out. I used to sponsor a wolf called Luna until she sadly passed away, and love all things "wolfy". Anyhow enjoy the blog and hopefully I'll manage to keep it up to date with what I've been doing and my favourite things!
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Another weeknd over ...
Spent last weekend finishing off the decorating in my littlest bedroom, gonna be turning it into a place where I can do my photography and leave it set-up if I want to. Got the painting finished, border up and this weekend coming it will be spent laying floor tiles and putting together the furniture which is due to arrive on Friday morning. It's looking pretty good so far so will be glad to see it finished and tidy for the first time in ages.
As my daughter is going to be studying Art for the next two years at college and has already accumulated a whole pile of journals we need plenty of space!
Still got to finish off processing the images from this years Kent County Show, it's a lot easier taking photos than it is processing them afterwards, I usually have to spend time straightening them up and improving the contrast and sharpening, any images looks better for some titivating!
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Beloved Max

Here's the finished tattoo of my dog Max - done by Ben Shaw of Medway Tattoo. The photo has been taken by me from an angle but think it shows what a wonderful job Ben made of it - as usual!
It's itching still at the moment but is healing well considering it is just over a week old now. Most of the design is done with shading and I love the writing, I said I wanted something decorative and he's done just that.
All in all I am well pleased with it.
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Next Tattoo Due...
George Sampson Wins!

Saturday, 10 May 2008
New Tattoos

Here's my hand tattoo, all done about a week ago, its an Elvis logo standing for Taking Care of Business in a Flash. It hurt quite a bit getting it done and it dries really quickly which means having to keep lathering it with cream all day but it's doing OK so far, a bit on the itchy side when it dries out but that's to be expected. As usual it was done by Ben Shaw at Medway Tattoo and Body Piercing and I got a fairy done at the same time, a double whammy if you like...
The fairy is located on my right arm just above my elbow and below my tribal wolf. I think she's just gorgeous and the detail is wonderful, Ben truly is a gifted artist.
Hoping to get a memorial portrait of my beloved dog Max on my left forearm before the summer really kicks in although it's pretty hot and sunny outside now. I'm trying to keep out of the sun having caught the fairy last weekend whilst out snapping at the local Sweeps Festival. Not the best thing to do with a new tattoo!
Friday, 11 April 2008
Third Tattoo Healed

Here's an updated photo of the third tattoo more or less all healed now, it has been mighty itchy let me tell you, never suffered with the others like this one but then there's tons more detail, according to Ben, my tattooist, it's par for the course, the skin gets really disturbed by the tattooing and so the itchiness is the result. I am so pleased with it though, my daughter thought it was cool and is pleased that it's for her. My next two are booked in for three weeks time and I can't wait! Will post photos of those once they've been done, one is gonna be on my hand this time, a first for me so fingers crossed it's not too painful ;-) The other is a fairy for my right arm, just above the elbow area. She represents my wish to sometimes be able to fly away from my life when it gets too much, the image I have chosen is also really lovely 'cos she's a brunette, a rarity when it comes to looks at fairy images. Mind the final tatt will be a black and grey anyway but it's the thought that counts!
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Here's the third tattoo

Here is it, the third tattoo, done on Wednesday 19th at approx. 10am. Isn't it gorgeous? It took about 2hrs to do and I just love it!
The redness is already beginning to subside and it'll lighten up once it's healed.
It represents my daughter, her middle name is rose, the happy/sad masks are for the times being a parent makes me laught/cry and the sun and moon are because she's my whole world.
Friday, 14 March 2008
Third Tattoo Imminent
Got some other ideas planned and will book in to get a fairy one in May, over the first bank holiday weekend. Hoping that the picture I have is not too detailed to be done the size I've printed it at but will have to see what Ben says about it. I'm sure he'll be able to sort it if it needs redrawing at all.
Anyhow will post a photo of the new tattoo when its done for all to see.
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Visiting George

Here are a couple of photos from our visit to see George. The left hand one is me holding my new little Nephew and the second one is a family group, from the left, Julia, Margaret, Darren, Jo and Allan and of course hidden away in the pram is George ;-)
We had a smashing time there, got lots of cuddles with George and photos galore. He's a right little smasher and it was good to have seen him now while he still looks like a newborn - they don't stay like that for long.
Sunday, 24 February 2008
New Nephew

Thursday, 24 January 2008
Desperate for Ink!
This tattoo lark is well addictive, my paw prints done at Xmas are pretty much healed now, next week will be 6 weeks I think and apart from adding a touch of cream every now and then to stop it feeling dry it's fine. So am now gagging to get the third tatt done, one to represent my relationship with my daughter and having had a sneaky peak at what my tattoo guy has sketched out for me (based on my good mate Amber's drawings) it looks awesome and I can't wait ;-) Going to hopefully book it in tomorrow for Easter and then get the ankle ones done before our summer holiday so they are ready to show off if we are lucky enough to get weather for wearing shorts this year. Also toying with a possible back piece as I bought my first tattoo magazine at the weekend and was amazed at some of the tatts in there. I loved my dog Max, a sheltie, and have a wonderful photo of him so will ask Ben if it would be possible to use it for a tattoo. Not going to do anything about that one till next year maybe, it'll need thinking about as I have also looked at Native American images for inspiration as I am unsure as to what I would like.