Here we are ready for another fun filled week in Paradise! My new career as a planner is slowly getting underway, its mostly piece-meal jobs as the moment due to my lack of knowledge but I am slowly learning and making copious notes along the way ;-) It seems to involve lots of meetings and “tree-hugging” bonding sessions with fellow planners but hey who am I to argue???
Still mulling over the future tattoos, mainly one for my daughter, something to represent our relationship. Its hard to define it into a picture, harder still so that its something I want to wear on my skin for the rest of my natural. Still I’m sure I’ll get there eventually, there’s no immediate rush and I have several other projects to do first which are easier to define.
The tribal wolf is pretty much there in terms of healing, it gets dry fairly quickly if I am wearing sleeves which at work is most of the time. My skin is pretty dry most of the time so am thinking that doesn’t really help, looking forward now to getting the lower arm done, not relishing facing the needles again but needs must as they say and it really is such a small amount of time relative to the enjoyment of seeing your skin adorned in such a way. I have definitely gotten the bug as they say and although I was gonna wait 6 months before doing anything else, above all else I am not known for my patience. Besides it best to try and fit the sessions in to coincide with time off of work so that I can leave it exposed to the air for as long as possible and to give it the TLC it needs in the first few days/weeks. The paw prints are hopefully gonna be booked in for the 18th December and if I can get Ben to do them so much the better, was well impressed with the work he did on my tribal wolf so hoping he’ll be able to do the rest of them. I guess it depends on their leave and what they might specialise in.
Looking forward to the Xmas break but not until I have sorted presents and cards, it's all a bind really when you are busy working. Might have to rely on gift vouchers this year, let people get what they really want. My daughter gets easier as she's happy with money not that it buys much what with her expensive tastes ;-) Once I've got everything done I'll be happy to sit back and enjoy the festivities but until then ...
A Quick Word From Yours Truly
Hi, welcome to PJ's blog.
If you've checked out the "About Me" bit you'll see I'm a keen amateur photographer who enjoys all things digital. I mostly like photographing plants and landscapes as they are easy targets ;-) I used to work in Software which sounds more exciting than it is but am now officially a Snr. Project Planner having changed jobs after almost 25yrs in Software. I sometimes wish I could work in photography but that would probably become boring if I did it day in and day out. I used to sponsor a wolf called Luna until she sadly passed away, and love all things "wolfy". Anyhow enjoy the blog and hopefully I'll manage to keep it up to date with what I've been doing and my favourite things!
Monday, 26 November 2007
Friday, 23 November 2007
Second Tattoo

Am considering having this as my second tattoo, to go on my lower right arm starting about half way up and curving up to my elbow (on the inside of my arm). Might treat myself to this at Xmas as then I'll have time to let it heal before I have to return to Paradise. There are others planned of course, whoever said tattoos are addictive was right but at the moment apart from a little Eeyore on my back between my neck and left shoulder I cannot decide what to do with my left arm yet. I am swaying towards a dedication to my daughter but until I am absolutely sure I won't get get anything in haste. Still lurving the wolf on my right top arm, hence the desire to add in the wolf tracks to kinda finish it off. Was a tad concerned about tattooing my lower arm but then I thought hey at my age who cares :-)
Monday, 12 November 2007
Piercing & Tattoo Update
Spent some time yesterday trying out some nose pins that I bought in Claires at the weekend. Wondered whether the L shaped ones would be any better than the threadless labret that I’ve been wearing for ages, I wanted to test the waters so to speak before ordering any extra balls for the labret. Well I tried the bioflex nose screw I bought ages ago first, got it in but then had a devil’s own job to get it back out again. So cut the rounded end off to make it more L shaped and tried that, but after a couple of hours my nose started to feel sore on the inside so ended up boiling the labret to clean it and re-inserting that. Its definitely the most comfortable thing I have worn in it so far, so took the plunge and ordered two more ball ends in pink and blue to match my ear rim circular barbells, then a second full labret in blurple (blue/purple mix) and a gem end in plain polish with a black CZ stone. Then went to another site in the USA again to order a couple of seamless rings for both my ear rim and nostril. They are supposed to be made of a softer titanium that allows you to twist them open for fitting, a bit like wearing a BCR without the ball attached. Think these are maybe made of niobium which is also anodised similar to the titanium, so went for the colourful “oil slick” style. Hopefully they will be easy to fit and I just fancy trying a ring in my nostril piercing. If they fit OK I might get another pair but postage is a tad steep, it’s the equivalent of ordering a third ring so will have to go easy. Mind you the exchange rate is pretty decent at the moment so although it looks a lot in dollars, in pounds it is far more reasonable. My ear rim prefers the rings but as I have ordered a spare labret I am tempted to try it in my ear and see how it feels, if it seems OK I may just order one for my ear rim too, although that would work out a bigger expense. Could just order a blurple one to match my nose, that way I have a matching set all round :-)
This piercing lark is an ongoing expense whereas at least the tattoos are a one off cost. Talking of which mine seems to have healed pretty good, still have to apply moisturiser but that’s to be expected. I read somewhere that they can take up to 45 days to fully heal, but got the tattooist to check it over on Saturday and he was well pleased with it, as am I. Will have to have a serious think about other tatts but am keen to get some more at some point. I just feel at the moment that I need to have a rest from piercings and tattoos, give me chance to catch my breath and really decide what I would like next time …
This piercing lark is an ongoing expense whereas at least the tattoos are a one off cost. Talking of which mine seems to have healed pretty good, still have to apply moisturiser but that’s to be expected. I read somewhere that they can take up to 45 days to fully heal, but got the tattooist to check it over on Saturday and he was well pleased with it, as am I. Will have to have a serious think about other tatts but am keen to get some more at some point. I just feel at the moment that I need to have a rest from piercings and tattoos, give me chance to catch my breath and really decide what I would like next time …
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Tattoo Update
The tattoo is healing well now, almost reached the end of the second week and it's stopped feeling sore when it's covered up. Bought some Vaseline repair balm at the weekend as I couldn't source their Dermacare version and that seems to be pretty good so far. Can't see any damage to it so it shouldn't need to be touched up at all but gonna get it checked out all the same, it's all part of the package if you see what I mean. Really happy with it and have received a favourable response from most people about it. Showed it off at the Country & Western club last night but as I often wear temporary tattoos I'm guessing that most people think it's fake. Once they realise that it's there every week they'll soon realise it's the real deal.
Been considering other designs for my right arm, looked into line drawings of Eeyore, my favourite Winnie the Pooh character and a passion for me after my wolves. There's also the Chinese dragon or tribal which I also love. The chaps seem to have a half sleeve usually which looks pretty cool but whatever I choose, if I have a second one, has got to be like the wolf, something that I can live with for the remainder of my natural and not something that I get fed up of looking at. It's a serious business this tattooing...
Been considering other designs for my right arm, looked into line drawings of Eeyore, my favourite Winnie the Pooh character and a passion for me after my wolves. There's also the Chinese dragon or tribal which I also love. The chaps seem to have a half sleeve usually which looks pretty cool but whatever I choose, if I have a second one, has got to be like the wolf, something that I can live with for the remainder of my natural and not something that I get fed up of looking at. It's a serious business this tattooing...
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