A Quick Word From Yours Truly
Hi, welcome to PJ's blog.
If you've checked out the "About Me" bit you'll see I'm a keen amateur photographer who enjoys all things digital. I mostly like photographing plants and landscapes as they are easy targets ;-) I used to work in Software which sounds more exciting than it is but am now officially a Snr. Project Planner having changed jobs after almost 25yrs in Software. I sometimes wish I could work in photography but that would probably become boring if I did it day in and day out. I used to sponsor a wolf called Luna until she sadly passed away, and love all things "wolfy". Anyhow enjoy the blog and hopefully I'll manage to keep it up to date with what I've been doing and my favourite things!
Monday, 31 December 2007
Also on the retouchpro site is a video tutorial by "Swampy" which shows you how to deal with the bland skies that we so often see in this country and which frequently spoil an otherwise good photo. Thanks Swampy!
Tattoo and Ear Piercing Update
My jewellery finally arrived last Saturday from piercing.org, these are the threadless labrets for my ear rim piercing. I had borrowed one from my nostril piercing to help eliminate the trauma caused by my winter hat but obviously the gauge of the nostril labrets is too small really. Glad I purchased the taper pin to help fit it and it took some encouragement so perhaps the hole had started to shrink already. Anyhow finally got it in and so far so good, the back of the labret is larger than for the nostril labrets but not too bad, popped in the gem end this morning so have a matching pair for this evening's do at the Country & Western Linedancing club. Here's hoping the labret works out OK over the winter months, I really like the rings but they get squashed by my winter hat and end up making my ear really sore and I don't want to have to retire it as I really like it and I've got this far with it. It'll have been done 2years this coming April but it's one of the most traumatic piercings I have had to heal. By comparison my nostril piercing was a walk in the park! Still no pain no gain as they say. Though the tattoos are by far easier to deal with both for healing and afterwards, there's nothing to get caught up on clothing etc. Think I will stick to them from now on!
Xmas Group Photo

Here we all are celebrating this Xmas!
From the left is:- My brother Darren, Moi, My Dad and Stepmum Allan & Margaret, My daughter Julia, My brother's partner Jo (and bump!) and in the chairs in the front row my nans, Alice on the left and Florence on the right.
My brother brought along his tripod so we could all get in the photo which is cool, took some test shots to get everyone looking in the same direction and not blinking mid-shot but we got there in the end ;-)
Thursday, 20 December 2007
Second Tattoo

Friday, 14 December 2007
Ear Rim Piercing
Monday, 10 December 2007
Lights for Love

Wolfy Tattoo
The second tattoo is booked and I'm so looking forward to seeing the end result. It should finish off that arm quite nicely and be halfway healed before I go back to work after the Christmas break.
Talking of which I still haven't got around to putting up the decorations yet, think we'll wait until next weekend, we won't have many more days at work/school then and so it should feel more festive.
Monday, 3 December 2007
Second Tattoo Booked
Monday, 26 November 2007
Another week in Paradise
Still mulling over the future tattoos, mainly one for my daughter, something to represent our relationship. Its hard to define it into a picture, harder still so that its something I want to wear on my skin for the rest of my natural. Still I’m sure I’ll get there eventually, there’s no immediate rush and I have several other projects to do first which are easier to define.
The tribal wolf is pretty much there in terms of healing, it gets dry fairly quickly if I am wearing sleeves which at work is most of the time. My skin is pretty dry most of the time so am thinking that doesn’t really help, looking forward now to getting the lower arm done, not relishing facing the needles again but needs must as they say and it really is such a small amount of time relative to the enjoyment of seeing your skin adorned in such a way. I have definitely gotten the bug as they say and although I was gonna wait 6 months before doing anything else, above all else I am not known for my patience. Besides it best to try and fit the sessions in to coincide with time off of work so that I can leave it exposed to the air for as long as possible and to give it the TLC it needs in the first few days/weeks. The paw prints are hopefully gonna be booked in for the 18th December and if I can get Ben to do them so much the better, was well impressed with the work he did on my tribal wolf so hoping he’ll be able to do the rest of them. I guess it depends on their leave and what they might specialise in.
Looking forward to the Xmas break but not until I have sorted presents and cards, it's all a bind really when you are busy working. Might have to rely on gift vouchers this year, let people get what they really want. My daughter gets easier as she's happy with money not that it buys much what with her expensive tastes ;-) Once I've got everything done I'll be happy to sit back and enjoy the festivities but until then ...
Friday, 23 November 2007
Second Tattoo

Monday, 12 November 2007
Piercing & Tattoo Update
This piercing lark is an ongoing expense whereas at least the tattoos are a one off cost. Talking of which mine seems to have healed pretty good, still have to apply moisturiser but that’s to be expected. I read somewhere that they can take up to 45 days to fully heal, but got the tattooist to check it over on Saturday and he was well pleased with it, as am I. Will have to have a serious think about other tatts but am keen to get some more at some point. I just feel at the moment that I need to have a rest from piercings and tattoos, give me chance to catch my breath and really decide what I would like next time …
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Tattoo Update
Been considering other designs for my right arm, looked into line drawings of Eeyore, my favourite Winnie the Pooh character and a passion for me after my wolves. There's also the Chinese dragon or tribal which I also love. The chaps seem to have a half sleeve usually which looks pretty cool but whatever I choose, if I have a second one, has got to be like the wolf, something that I can live with for the remainder of my natural and not something that I get fed up of looking at. It's a serious business this tattooing...
Friday, 26 October 2007
New Tatt
Having a look at the other tatt designs I have wish-listed on Tattoo Johnny, I think a tribal looking dragon on the other arm might go well though I won't have anything else done for a long while yet. Think it would be better to choose a complimentary design for the other side rather than something that's gonna clash. I still prefer to see the black only tattoos as opposed to the coloured ones and my skin is quite pale so colour would really stand out I think.
Anyway there's no rush to decide anything, I'm still basking in the glow of having got my "wolfy" done and that'll keep me going for ages yet ;-)
Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Sunday, 21 October 2007
Getting Nervous!
Think the not knowing what it feels like is the most worrying part - it's always fear of the unknown that gets us in a state. I just keep thinking it can't be THAT bad otherwise people would never have more than one...
Gonna take my little camera along and ask him to take a photo of it for me before it gets covered up, then I can show my folks. I'm already thinking about what I could have next so not expecting to feel sooo bad that I wouldn't go back for more!
I shall reveal all after Wednesday - wish me luck!
Monday, 15 October 2007
Tattoo Booked!
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Done some research on the internet about getting them done, I know it's gonna be painful up to a point but am determined to go ahead, they reckoned it'll take about 1/2 hour to do provided I sit still so think I can manage that ;-)
Sweet Sixteen!

Here's a photo of my daughter and her beau celebrating her 16th birthday - Happy Birthday Julia ;-)
She got her belly pierced on the actual birthday itself, something that she's been gagging to do for absolutely ages. Took her along to where I get my piercings done and she's now the proud owner of a double pink jewelled belly bar! And no tears either which I was quite pleased about. Am sure like most girls her age she's now got a list of must haves as long as her arm but first things first, gotta get the belly healed first!
Monday, 1 October 2007
Another Weekend Over
Anyhow on the work front I am about to move into pastures new after almost 25 years as a software engineer. My current project is winding down and I've decided I need a change to boost my enthusiasm for going into work every day. So...I'm off to be a planner! They are crying out for them here in Paradise and so hopefully I'll be happily ensconced over in the towers before Christmas. It's quite different from anything I've done before but hopefully I'll get the hand of it eventually. A couple of our people have already moved over and for the most part seem to be enjoying it so fingers crossed!
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
First Look...

Here's the first look at my new niece or nephew! My brother and his better half Jo are expecting their first baby in Feburary next year and he sent me a couple of scan images of the new addition to our family. This was the better image as you can clearly see it's spine and little fingers - sweet or what? Looking forward to the new arrival, it'll be my Dad's second grandchild and he's made up about it and I get to be an Aunty proper.
Congratulations Darren & Jo!
The Young Photographer!

Monday, 24 September 2007
Nose Stud
All in all the nose is healing really well, the four months are almost up and am down to bathing it once a day now. The hardest part is over so it'll be investigating the tattoo next, my daughter is off to get her belly done in a couple of weeks so can hopefully find someone to have a chat to then about it.
Thursday, 20 September 2007
AV Competition Night
Sunday, 9 September 2007
The Wedding Photos and Other Stuff
My baby is also off on two weeks work experience for the next fortnight, wonder how she will get on. Her first week is at a local school doing Art & Design, and her second week will be at a photographic studio doing all sorts of things. In fact we had to go over on Saturday for a brief interview and I found the chap a very interesting person to chat with. Loved his Wi-Fi gadget which sends his photos from his camera to his computer within seconds of pressing the shutter - brilliant!
Monday, 3 September 2007
The Wedding!

Monday, 20 August 2007
Sore Ear ...
The nose piercing seems to be OK now though, the trauma of changing the screw for a stud seems to have worn off and it's healing nicely. Have left off the almond oil today to see how it goes without it, I try to make sure I don't put too much salt in the water and rinse off properly as well. Later on it will need a shorter bar but these threadless pieces are amazing, very comfortable and hopefully it will be easy enough to change the ends, haven't tackled that one yet, got to wait until it's really healed up before I poke it about any more. Still it's been 9 weeks already, hopefully by Xmas I'll be able to get the shorter bar and maybe a gem end to wear in it over the Xmas Festivities :-)
Sunday, 19 August 2007

Thursday, 9 August 2007
Thursday's Thoughts
I’ve had some marginal success with trialling my tattoo design too although the adhesive on the tattoo paper is a tad irritating given my sensitive skin. I really like the design so think that’s what I’ll go for, size wise it’s more or less a square image so I think I printed it at about 2.5 inches square which is quite a good size. It could maybe be a tad bigger but then my arms aren’t that big so don’t want it to dominate that area and I need to be able to at least hide it under a T-shirt sleeve if necessary.
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Teenage Mums?
Sunday, 5 August 2007
Pashley Manor

We were blessed with good sunny weather which, for our summer so far, was nothing short of miraculous. There was a gentle breeze to stop us from completely flaking out and we headed for the shade of the car park for our refreshments, choosing to take a picnic rather than eat there. The terrace however was a very pleasant place to grab a welcome cup of tea late afternoon before heading home.
Have posted the remainder of my shots on my Picasa Web Album, have a look if you get a chance.
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Tattoo Design...
Have attached a pic of the tattoo anyway – any thoughts?
Monday, 30 July 2007
Another Weekend Gone
Willesborough Windmill - http://www.willesboroughwindmill.co.uk/
Ease Period Pain - http://www.magno-pulse.com/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=49
Thursday, 26 July 2007
A New Nose Stud!
Links for the websites selling the barbells are here : http://www.piercing.org/shop/nose.htm or http://www.anotherhole.com/store.php?crn=280&rn=397&action=show_detail or http://www.kolopiercing.com/index.php?cPath=94_289
I can thoroughly recommend the bars and was well impressed with the prompt delivery from Piercing.Org. The barbells also come highly recommended in various piercing forums probably in part due to the fact that the front ends can be changed easily without the need to remove the whole bar. They are also delivered from Piercing.Org already autoclaved which is handy.
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Retired Folks?
Monday, 23 July 2007
Weekend News
Friday, 20 July 2007
Nose Piercing News ...
Monday, 16 July 2007
Weekend Doings
Friday, 13 July 2007
Friday 13th ...
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Near miss...
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
KCPA Digital Comp
Still there is some good work this year which makes up for last year, thought the entries were, for the most part, very unimaginative. Still I guess it's each to their own ;-)
Saturday, 7 July 2007
Works Open Day 2007

Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Another entry from Paradise!
Am sitting here hoping the sun finds it's way to the UK soon, it's been so wet for so long now. Keen to attend the Kent County Show next weekend as per usual but it's no fun in the rain
:-( It's a fantastic place to spend a day out, lots of farm animals and stalls selling all sorts of things. I like to take the camera along and snap away as usual but as it's mostly outside it can be dismal in the wet weather. Here's hoping summer is soon on its way!
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Update on my piercing.
Monday, 25 June 2007
Photo of Paradise!

Sunday, 24 June 2007
Nimrod MR MK II

The team has been in existance for 20+ years now and obviously people have moved on and new people have joined. I've been on the project for about 15 years which is the longest I've worked on any project before.
It's a magnificent aircraft and I get a thrill every time I see it fly, which sadly isn't too often as it doesn't often give performances at airshows. I have been lucky enough to have been on board it a couple of times whilst it has been in the hangers, I am not comfortable enough about flying to go up in her unfortunately.
The other aircraft I love to see fly is the Harrier, I'm not really into airplanes but that is such a different sort of aircraft that I enjoy watching it. The last time I saw one was at last years Farnborough Airshow, it was the first time I had been and it was a pretty good day out despite the changeable weather.
My New Piercing

Here's a quick snap of my new piercing, cool or what? It was pretty easy to have done, didn't hurt anymore than having my ear rim done and for you women out there it's a breeze compared to giving birth ;-)
Think this will be the last piercing I get as I can't think of anywhere else I'd really like to get done. I have my lobes done twice and my right ear rim and now my left nostril. Am thinking of a tattoo though which would be really cool if I'm happy to live with it forever. I'd really like a wolf on the top part of my right arm, nothing too big or anything. I really love wolves and can't see that changing so the design isn't a problem it's just the permanence of a tattoo that has to be thought over properly beforehand. At least a piercing will close down pretty well if you decide to "retire" it at any time in the future, a tattoo is not so easily disposed of. I'm also a bit concerned over the pain bit too, a piercing is over so quickly compared to a tattoo but I guess if you want something bad enough you have to be prepared to put up with a little pain. It can't be that bad otherwise some people wouldn't be covered in them!
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Thought I'd share with everyone the fact that I got my nostril pierced last Friday :-) This is my second body pierce, had my ear rim done just over a year ago, not bad for a 42 year old ;-) Next thing could be a tattoo but need to be 110% sure first.
It didn't hurt as much as I thought it might, no worse than my ear rim. Needless to say I got it done at a professional body piercing studio, wouldn't let anyone near me with those piercing guns, not even my lobes. In fact both my lobe piercings were done with needles 'cos that's all there was years ago, now I'm showing my age!
So far it seems fine, got to get back into the habit of salt water soaks but hopefully it'll heal OK and I might be able to treat myself to a new piece of jewellery for Xmas. Ice blue titanium being my favourite at the moment.
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
From Paradise...
Sunday, 10 June 2007
Lazy Weekend
Still fighting what seems to be a losing battle with my ISP over slow broadband speeds, I thought computers were supposed to make life easier, why then do they seem intent on filling my life with hassle, be it at home or at work ;-)
I'm sure life was much simpler when we weren't at the beck and call of a mobile phone and snail mail was the only way to communicate long distance. Don't get me wrong, I'd be lost without my PC but sometimes using one just does my head in.
Still it's back to Paradise again tomorrow for the start of another exciting working week, roll on Friday!
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Back from Paradise
Monday, 4 June 2007

This is one of my bluebell shots, manipulated of course (!) in Photoshop. It was taken in my garden with my new 60mm macro lens, wicked to use but getting depth of field just right is not easy.
Haven't had alot of opportunity to use it yet but am hoping to use it more when we go away this year.
I enjoy tinkering around in Photoshop to see what comes out, some obviously look better than others ;-)
Can make some useful entries for the Imagination Trophy Competition held by the camera club I belong to, Invicta CC.
Friday, 1 June 2007

This is Luna, she's the wolf I sponsor at Wolf Watch UK. I've not been fortunate enough to visit her yet but I've been sponsoring her for a while now as my brother started it for my 40th birthday, what a gift!
I'm not sure what it is about them that I really love, maybe they remind me of my dog Max who was a Shetland Sheepdog and so had that sort of long muzzle look about him. He passed away a few years ago now and I really miss him. Would love another dog but working full time makes that impossible for now, roll on retirement ;-)
First Post
Just trying to get this up and running so bear with me for a bit, time is very precious at the moment so will do what I can when I can. Check back in a few days and hopefully they'll be more.